Mushroom Photographs by
Hugh Erle Smith

All photographs copywritten with rights reserved to Hugh Smith

Gilled Mushrooms

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Agaricus sp.
Agaricus sp.
Yuba City, 11/06/01
Agaricus sp.
Agaricus sp.
Agaricus sp.
Agaricus sp.
San Francisco, 01/25/03
Agaricus augustus
Agaricus augustus
The Prince
Fort Bragg, 06/27/09
Amanita pachycolea
Amanita pachycolea
Western Grisette
Sutter Buttes, 03/13/03
Amanita phalloides
Amanita phalloides
Death Cap
Spenceville, 01/04/04
Amanita pachycolea
Amanita pachycolea
Amanita pachycolea
Amanita pachycolea

Amanita sp.
Amanita sp.
Amanita sp.
Amanita sp.
Amanita sp.
Amanita sp,
Spenceville, 02/21/04

Amanita velosa
Amanita velosa
Sierra foothills, 03/15/07

Amanita calyptrata
Amanita calyptrata
Sierra foothills, 03/15/07
Amanita calyptrata
Amanita calyptrata
Sierra foothills, 03/15/07
Amanita sp.
 Amanita sp.
Amanita muscaria
Amanita muscaria
Fly Agaric

Amanita smithiana
Amanita smithiana
Tahoe area, 11/17/07
Amanita smithiana
Amanita smithiana
Tahoe area, 11/17/07