Mushroom Photographs by
Hugh Erle Smith

All photographs copywritten with rights reserved to Hugh Smith

Morels and other Ascomycetes

Cup Mushrooms | Helvella | Gyromitra | Morels

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Discina perlata
Discina perlata
Sierras, 04/22/05
Sarcosphaera crassa
Sarcosphaera crassa
McCloud, 06/10/05

Sierras, 02/20/05
Caloscypha fulgens
Caloscypha fulgens
  Sierras, 04/22/05

Otidea onotica
Otidea onotica
Ass' Ears
Spenceville, 02/15/03

Otidea onotica
Otidea onotica
Chico, 01/23/05

Costa Rica, 04/06
Sclerotinia veratri
Sclerotinia veratri
Yuba Pass, 07/08